Presently, people are looking for some easier ways by which they can do online giving for churches. That’s why; churches are adopting the online giving platform and offering to the members so that they don’t have to take out their particular time to come to church and make the donation. They can rightly do it just by sitting at their home.
Many churches are still confused about using online giving because of the lack of information and the importance of this unique platform. Here, we are discussing different types of online giving solutions along with the reasons that churches should consider to use this excellent method of donation.
Different kinds of online giving solutions
- Website giving forms
It is a straightforward method but usually clashes with the church brand. This is so because; they are available on the website rather than an app.
- Giving kiosk
This method provides a way to the members for swiping a card for donating using a tablet.
- Text-to-give
Some churches provide an easy solution to the people who want to donate, and this can be done by sending a text message.
- Mobile Giving Apps
With apps, one can expect more flexibility when it is about branding, messaging options, and many more.
Reasons behind prioritizing the Online Giving
Churches nowadays are using online giving for churches to promote donations, and there are certain reasons behind it.
- People generally don’t carry much cash
One can make the donation generally in 3 different ways – cash, cheque, and credit card or bank account information. Thus, people are hesitant about passing their general information. Those who carry less cash and also don’t want to give the cheque can opt for online giving.
- Online giving is a faster method
People can come online anytime they want and make the payment just by login the page. Being a quick and straightforward method it is chosen by many people.
- Hassle-free money handling
Online giving for churches is wholly digitalized, and money gets transferred directly to the church’s account. Even the transactions get recorded automatically. Therefore, it is easy to keep a check on the count of money.
- Present as a versatile option
Online giving is, no doubt, a versatile option for non-profit organizations, corporations, and churches. The presence of mobile giving apps makes the whole process easy by just using mobile phones, even sitting at church or anytime you want.
So, if you are also thinking about online giving for churches, then don’t forget to contact Faith Teams.