When you have adopted a puppy for the first time, then one of the most common issues faced by the pet owners is the weird behavior of their new friend. The main reason behind the unusual behavior of the puppy is the lack of trust in you and your family.
You may think that the dog is not admiring you, but if you remember from the side of your dog, then you might not like him. In fact, when two strangers meet then both of them need some time to get used to the other.
Similar is the condition with the new puppy. You must give him some time and make some efforts so that he can start trusting you.
You will have to socialize your puppy by communicating with him directly as well as touching him gently so that his fear for you goes away. Some tips are provided hereunder to help you in making your puppy to trust you and your family as soon as possible.
Remain Calm And Respect His Privacy
Most of us get excited to have a new companion in the family try to lure him to play with you. We should avoid such temptations as our over-enthusiasm can excite the dog, and he may greet you in an unwanted manner. He may start jumping on you to save himself from you. So initially you should control your excitement and speak to him softly and calmly.
When a new dog comes in the home, then everyone will like to spend some time with him. He may relish such excitements for some time, but after some time he may want to stay alone. So to calm down the new member, you should give him some space where he can remain on his own. It can be a crate or a small room with a chew proof dog bed where he can spend some time privately.
Give Him Space And Let Him Come To You
Initially, you should neither touch nor contact eye to eye or talk too much with the puppy you have recently adopted.
You should also avoid standing close to him unless both of you become familiar with each other. You should maintain some distance between you and your dog and come closer gradually.
When your dog starts showing his interest in you, then let him come to you. But you should not pat him unless he starts sniffing you and stays calm. If your dog licks your hand, then it means he has started trusting you.
However, if he pays no attention to you then instead of getting excited you should give him more time to be familiar with you and your family.
Take Him For A Walk
When your new companion accepts you then to spend more time with him and earn her trust, you should take him for a walk.
When you will direct him and protect him on the trail, then he will learn that you care for him and are a trustable person. He will determine that he is safe with you if your behavior with him is assertive but calm.