The following results, when drawing up the correct training program, everyone can achieve: men, women, children and the elderly – all will receive the following result:
Muscles come in tone. Running includes almost every muscle in our body, which makes it the best exercise to keep fit. This effect is especially important for office workers, as well as for men and women aged 40+ who want to improve the quality of life and attractive appearance.
Fat burning with Anabolic Steroids. Running burns calories and also triggers a hormonal process with which you can burn maximum fat. When combining Steroids in USA jogging at a fast and slow pace, “fitness hormone” irisin is produced, with which you can burn much more fat than when jogging at a slow pace or strength training without aerobic exercise.
A set of muscle mass. Depending on the type of run, expect a different result in a set of muscle mass. Sprinting builds muscle better than light jogging.
Body cleansing. The benefit of running is the enhanced work of the lymphatic system, the purification of the lymphatic flow. Thanks to the cleansing of the lymph, harmful substances that accumulate for decades are removed from the body. This is an effect that makes you feel lighter physically and mentally after a month of regular jogging. Body weight may remain the same, but the removal of toxins will affect health and appearance.
- Getting rid of skin defects. Thanks to the adjustment of the water-salt balance, as well as the removal of toxins from the body, the face skin is cleansed, the condition of the skin cover throughout the body improves. The benefit of running is that it cleanses the lymph and regulates the water-salt balance, which helps everyone get rid of the inflammatory process on the skin.
- Improvement of the cardiovascular system. Running at an easy pace is the best way to train your heart. Look out the window. 3 out of 4 people you see die from cardiovascular disease. The likelihood that you die from heart problems is 75%. The benefits of running are to improve the state of blood vessels, prevent atherosclerosis, and develop heart muscle. Thanks to proper running, a resource that “stretches” 60 years of life can be “stretched” for 80 years. The sooner you start running, the better you will feel every year. Running is an investment in a long life.
Improving health “on all fronts.” Running prevents the manifestation of all “diseases of civilization.” From cardiovascular disease and cancer to prostatitis and sagging breasts in women or the appearance of new wrinkles. Running makes all body systems work at a comfortable, productive pace, which slows down the aging process. Example: we have two girls. Both are 18 years old. The first one started running, she liked it, and she included running in her lifestyle. The second girl neglected the benefits of running, did not make out her. With similar “starting” external data, a year later the first girl will look a little better than the second. Two later, even better. After 5 years, the difference between the two girls will be enormous. At the age of 30, there will be a gap between them. When the second girl in a panic buys expensive creams from wrinkles, the first will still have a young, clean, happy face. There is no need to talk about the difference in the figure. If at the age of 30 we put two girls side by side and ask an independent observer, “Who is younger?”, He will definitely point to the first, noting that this is obvious and the age difference is large enough to compare the “20-year-old girl” and “35 year old woman. “
Improving the functioning of the hormonal system. Running provokes the release of hormones that allow the body to work 100%. The benefit of running for everyone is to increase the efficiency of the body. Conditionally: now your body is functioning at 60%. You have 60% energy, 60% motivation, 60% happiness. Thanks to regular running, we get 100% energy, 100% motivation, 100% happiness.
Running is a way to improve your mood and look at life in positive colors. Running training provokes the release of “hormones of happiness” – compounds that improve your mood. Happiness is a subjective concept, the state of the psyche and hormonal system. Running makes a person mentally light, improves the functioning of his hormonal system. In the near future, running can become a separate culture, used not only to improve health, but also to increase the level of happiness on a planetary scale.
The benefits of running are a consequence of human progress. Under natural conditions, a person spends most of his life on his feet, which allows him to achieve all of the above properties without training. But technological progress was so rapid that the body did not have time to adapt to it. For comfort, for civilization, we are paying for diseases, poor “background” well-being, which we often don’t notice. Running can fix this problem.
The benefits of running for women
The benefits of running for women are:
Anti-aging effect. Running tones all the muscles of the body, including the muscles of the face. In the correct mode, all body systems work, which allows you to extend youth, give the body a more fresh look. This is expressed in smoothing wrinkles, improving the condition of the skin of the face, and shine in the eyes. The girl who included running in her lifestyle surpasses her aging peers every year. The benefits of running for women, when we talk about rejuvenation, are superior to all cosmetics combined. Running is the first thing to do in an attempt to preserve and restore youth.
Improving the look. Running is a way to comprehensively improve your own appearance. The benefit of running is expressed in improving the shape and condition of the skin of the face, which helps to change the appearance as quickly as possible.
Improving the body. Improving health is expressed both in improving the quality of life, and in improving the appearance.
Improving the mental state. The benefits of running for women are improving relationships with men, women, and the world. Hormones of happiness, which are “injected” into the blood while running, make the girl’s mental state easier and more attractive to others. Running makes the girl’s life easier, allows her to enjoy life more and to strain less on trifles.
Increased stress tolerance. By reducing the production of cortisol, which is released in large quantities during training, in everyday life you become more calm, balanced and happy, less prone to stress. Less stress means more happiness. More happiness – more beauty and health. The benefits of running for women are complex. At the same time, development is taking place in all areas important for the girl.
Another useful feature of running is increasing self-confidence. You need to try running for every girl who, for some reason, is shy of her appearance, is afraid to be noticed, to be in the company of people. Self-confidence will increase with every workout.
The benefits of running for men
The benefits of running for men are as follows:
Training the cardiovascular system. Men die from heart problems much more often and earlier than the fair sex. This is due to the fact that the female hormone estradiol acts as the main natural cardioprotector, which protects the female heart from the negative effects of stress and overload. The benefit of running for men is that running training significantly prolongs your life. Running and proper nutrition improve the state of blood vessels, prevent blockage of blood vessels, the development of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Decreased average cortisol levels. The male hormonal system is designed for low levels of cortisol on a background basis. High levels of cortisol, overstress and its overcoming – this is what a man is adapted to. High levels of stress hormones on an ongoing basis kills men. The benefit of running for men is a reduction in the background level of stress hormones, which affects all areas of a man’s activity.
Improving the appearance, the ability to lose weight and gain muscle mass. With the help of running, you can achieve any goal to change the appearance.
Prevention of male diseases. A sedentary lifestyle has led humanity to rejuvenate “age-related” diseases. Before, prostatitis was the norm at the age of 40-50 years. Now – at 25-30. Male diseases will grow younger until they become the norm for 18-20 year old boys. It all depends on your lifestyle. Strength and aerobic (which includes jogging) training can prevent the development of male diseases and alleviate their symptoms. This is an extremely important benefit of running for men.
Improving the functioning of the hormonal system, changing the worldview. Correct running training is an effect on your own biochemistry and psyche. This is an increase in the level of pleasure hormones in the blood, which entails a change in perception of the world. Life becomes happier, worldview more effective. Against this background, there are positive changes in all areas of life.
The benefits of running are much deeper than you can imagine. Proper running training can change the life of every person.
Running with benefit. How right?
Almost every beginner starts to run incorrectly. The consequence is a decrease in the benefits of running, lack of results. To get all the benefits listed above, you must follow the following training principles:
The principle of gradualness. We increase the load smoothly, we start with easy runs.
The principle of supercompensation. We train only when the body is ready for work. There should be no physical and mental discomfort when the muscles have not recovered from the previous workout, and the psyche reacts with vomiting to the thought of running.
The principle of progression of loads. For progress in beauty, health, weight loss or gaining muscle mass, it is necessary to gradually increase the load.
Based on these principles, we use the following types of running:
Running in the aerobic heart rate zone. The benefit of running with a pulse of 110-130 is the development of the cardiovascular system, improving health. It is important to focus on the pulse, since depending on the development of the heart and the physical readiness of the athlete, a different pace of running leads to different pulse indicators. Example: Usain Bolt at a pulse of 130 runs at a speed that is not available to you with a pulse of 200. Claudia Petrovna, who weighs 130 kg, because of her excess body weight, brings the pulse to 130 beats per minute with accelerated walking.
Jogging. It can equal running in an aerobic pulse zone – depending on the athlete’s physical data. Effective in keeping fit, losing weight and improving health. Regular jogging prolongs life, improves its quality, improves appearance.
Sprint run. Anaerobic (power) type of running. Regulates the hormonal system. In men, it increases testosterone levels by 20-30%. Sprinting contributes to the manifestation of the effect of delayed fat burning – for 12-72 hours after training, the fat continues to “burn”. The benefit of sprinting is to gain muscle mass, improve well-being.
Interval run. Allows you to combine the benefits of jogging with sprinting. Intervals are not a sprint, and not an easy run in pure form, so the result is different. Interval running is a way to lose weight, gain muscle mass and improve health.
Running uphill. A type of running activity that suits men and women who are hungry for trials. Running uphill builds muscle mass, allows you to lose weight and bring functional training to a new level. Running uphill is contraindicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, but for healthy men and women, the benefit of running uphill is the ability to strengthen all body systems.
These are just some types of jogging that can benefit your body. Read more about running here.
This can stop progress.
Comments on training schemes:
The more complex the program that an athlete performs with comfort for the body, the better the result. He is all the more slender, strong, attractive and happy.
Do not pursue the fastest progress. Within the framework of this program, for 20 training cycles, we from the level of an absolute beginner reach high sports results. This is too fast for people who are not genetically adapted to sports. You can spend from 1 to 10 workouts on one program, depending on gender, age and stress in your life. The main criterion is the absence of excessive discomfort during the transition from one program to another. Only in this case is the benefit of running undeniable.
Do not be afraid to stop. It is impossible to progress forever. Training should not last longer than 90 minutes. The main task is to get the full benefit of running, which means that you don’t need to be heroic in training. If you objectively feel that today you are not capable of progress – do not be discouraged. This is normal. For 20 cycles, only very gifted people can turn from a sedentary fat man into an athlete.
Adjust the frequency of training based on the principle of supercompensation. It will lead you to 2-4 workouts per week.