Essay writing is a pretty daunting affair and so; most of the working students avoid writing essays. No matter the essay is meant for a class, scholarship, or even a contest, numerous students find this task to be hugely overwhelming. Though an essay happens to a big project, yet there are several steps that a student can take for breaking down this job into manageable parts.
The simple tips for writing an essay are as follows:
- Select a topic – When you got the essay’s overview then you can select a more relevant topic. You can always start by brainstorming and being calm to begin the flow of thoughts to jot down ideas.
- Develop an outline – Prior to your beginning your writing, you must develop the outline of your essay. You must write the topic at the topmost part of the page, segregate your essay into introduction, body part and conclusion.
- Sample outline– The introduction paragraph should have the first sentence and the thesis statement. The body paragraph should have info on the topic, research and relevant data. Lastly, the conclusion paragraph should have support arguments.
- Creating a thesis statement – When you do have a topic plus the paper outline then you can begin the writing process. You can always begin by forming a thesis statement which would tell your readers regarding the need for your essay. Your thesis statement should state the topic besides the chief argument related to your essay.
- Write down the introductory paragraph – Post developing a thesis statement plus the essay’s body, you must write the introductory paragraph. You must make your introduction captivating for capturing the readers’ attention.
- Write the body paragraphs – The body paragraphs is that portion of the essay which explain or describe the topic of your essay. The chief ideas that you write down turn separate paragraph and every paragraph carries with it the main idea.
- Write the concluding paragraph – You can’t ever ignore this part as this part has similar significance as your introduction portion. With the conclusion part, you get a chance to sum up the ideas plus end the topic. However, you must always make the concluding paragraph short and it should be between three and five sentences only.
- Edit your draft – Prior to your considering your draft a completed essay, you must go through the editing and proofreading job. You must always check your essay’s structure and make sure that you have used only the correct format.
When you follow the above-mentioned essay writing tips then you will surely be able to write a skilled essay all by yourself. However, at times, editing and the proofreading parts don’t seem easy and so; you can always refer your essay to your friend to go through it or can take professional help from renowned online help like paperhelp.