Rummy is one of the widely played card games across the globe. Like every card game, it has a set of rules, regulations, and terminologies of its own. Just having a basic understanding of those is enough for one to start playing the game.
There are many elements to a Rummy game and having a clear set of nomenclature helps to keep the game simple and easily understandable. A good grasp of the terms is very important towards one’s goal of mastering the game.
Even though there are many different types of Rummy played, the terms used still stay the same and if you are confused about Rummy meaning, we have you covered.
What are the meanings of various terms used in Rummy?
Ace: The card marked ‘A’. It can be used as a card smaller than 2 to form a run as Ace, 2, 3 and also as a card bigger than King to form a run as Queen, King, Ace. However, each Ace carries 10 points.
Best of Two: It is a format of Deals Rummy where players play two rounds of the game. The player who has the highest number of chips at the end of the two deals is the winner.
Buy In: The entry fee or the cash amount a player has to pay in order to play a cash game.
Deal: The distribution of cards to all the players at the beginning of the game.
Deck of Cards: A pack of playing cards for Rummy meaning it has 52 cards of 4 different suits plus 2 jokers.
Discard: The act of dropping a card. Whenever a player picks a card, they are also supposed to ‘discard’ a card to the open pile.
Draw: Upon their respective turns, players have to pick or ‘draw’ a card from the open or closed deck.
Hand: The cards that a player gets at the beginning of the game to be formed into relevant combinations. Whatever cards a player holds, are referred to as their hand.
Melding: The act of forming relevant sequences and/or sets from the cards you get.
Open Deck: The pile of discarded cards i.e. the cards dropped by the players. Players can draw cards from either the open deck or the closed deck, but the cards must always be discarded to the open deck.
Printed Joker: The joker card that is available with a deck of cards.
Sequence: A collection of at least 3 consecutive cards of the same suit. It can be pure or impure.
Wild Card Joker: Any card selected randomly to be used as a joker. In case, the selected card turns out to be a printed joker, all the Ace cards are used as wild card jokers.
Winner: The player who successfully melds their cards first will be declared as the winner.
Understanding all terms for Game of Rummy meaning is key to understanding the game. All card games involve the same 52 cards but what sets them apart is their set of rules. It is beneficial to a passionate player to have them ingrained in their brain in order to flourish at it.