In new Telugu movies, there is a Star named Dulquer Salman, who has the biggest female fan base in Malayalam and Telugu is entertaining the audience with his different kind of films irrespective of only one genre. He bagged a very big success with his recent flick ‘KanuluKanulanuDochayante’, which came under the genre of robbery thriller and the movie remained as a special movie among new Telugu movies.
The movie also remained as the best movie in his career till now. Recently Aha videos has been added to the movie in their OTT platform and the movie performed high in views among new Telugu movies. In the sense of views at Aha videos ‘KanuluKanulanuDochayante’ trending high as equal to the straight new Telugu movies. Let’s see the details of the movie before you go to watch it on aha videos.
Siddharth (Dulquer Salman) and Kallis (Rakshan) have been good friends for six years. Siddharth enjoys a rich life working as an app developer and Kallis as an animator. In this sequence, the two fall in love at first sight with Meera (RituVerma) and Shreya (Niranjani). Get their love in their pursuit. On the other hand, in the city, along with online crime, expensive items in expensive cars are stolen.
However, in addition to these cases, another key case is being dealt with unofficially by Police Commissioner Pratap Sinha (Gautam Menon). On the other hand, Siddharth, Kallis, Meera and Shreyas go to Goa for love, marriage and enjoyment. However, there is shocking news for Siddharth about Meera. What’s that? Who are those scammers looking for glory? If you want to know, you have to watch the movie ‘KanuluKanulanuDochayante’, which is available at Aha videos.
Artistes’ Performances:
Dulquer, who already impressed Telugu audiences with the role of Gemini Ganesan in the movie ‘Mahanati’. He once again showed his best in the role of Siddharth in KanuluKanulanuDochayante.
Telugu actress Ritu Varma got a good character in this movie. She appeared in different shades and impressed well. Some of the scenes between Rakshan and Niranjani are hilarious. Gautam Menon played the role of a serious and sincere police officer. The rest of the cast was impressed with their range.
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The story, the narrative is new and different with new Telugu movies. The director started the story interestingly. The director melts the elements like online scams, thefts, love between heroines, hilarious scenes wonderfully in the movie.
And when it comes to technology, songs are too good. The background music is another asset to the movie. The lyrics are good. The cinematography is great. Brought a rich look to the film. The production values remain the film quality.
Dulquer Salman appearance and styling, chemistry between hero and heroines, cinematography, background music and the way the director handled the scenes of online scams, thefts, love between heroines, hilarious scenes are highlights of the movie.
Cast and crew:
Cast: Dulquer Salman, Rhitu Varma, Rakshan, Goutam Vasudeva Menon,
Niranjani, etc
Screenplay & Direction: DesinghPeriyasamy
Cinematography:K. M. Bhaskaran
Producer:Anto Joseph
KanuluKanulanuDochayante is a different crime thriller, with a new storyline and different screenplay. The movie is the special one among new Telugu movies and Aha videos too.
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